
ProPlay-Sport is the perfect base for a high quality turf construction. The characteristics of the product address the demands for various specific sport technical requirements. ProPlay consists of thermal bonded (closed-cell) cross-linked Polyethene foam (XPE or PEX).

ProPlay-Sport meets the highest quality demands set by professional sports associations, such as FIFA, FIH, GAA, AFL and World Rugby. In comparison with other sport technical underlayers, ProPlay-Sport delivers consistent and predictable results for vertical deformation and shock absorption for its complete lifecycle, regardless of the intensity of use. ProPlay-Sport therefore offers a unique solution for each sport and artificial turf system.


Sustainable solution
Long-term stability
Resistance to wear
Easy installation
100 year life expectancy
25-year guarantee
Replaces a drainage herring bone system
Installable and playable in all weather conditions
Excellent vertical and horizontal drainage
Lowest total cost of ownership